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Upcoming Library Research Mini-Classes

September 7, 2011

The library will host short, 10 to 15 minute research session at the fourth floor learning center. This is a great way for those of you in the Legal Writing course to obtain an upper hand in preparing your memo. It’s also a great review for others. The schedule of initial mini-classes is as follows: 

Wed., Sept. 7  11:30-11:40   Legal Abbreviations

Wed., Sept. 7  11:45-noon     What is a Treatise?

Wed., Sept. 7  noon-12:15     Legal Encyclopedias

Thu., Sept. 8  11:30-11:45    How to use ThomCat

Thu., Sept. 8  1:00-1:15        Locating a Case

Thu., Sept. 8  1:15-1:30        Locating a Statute