TJSL’s Student Organization Leaders Honored
April 10, 2012
“Your participation in these teams and organizations is what law school is all about,” Dean Rudy Hasl told the group assembled for the Co-Curricular Reception on April 9. “You develop tremendous skills that will pay dividends when you are a lawyer.”
The event honored the presidents and board members of TJSL’s student organizations, including the competition teams and Law Review.
“This event showcases your activities and the amount of time you have put into them,” Dean Hasl added. “You’ve got a head start on those who have not had these activities.”
Adjunct Professor Paul Spiegelman, who is the advisor to the Moot Court and Alternate Dispute Resolution teams congratulated his students on their success and told them, “This is a chance to see the law in action. It’s a unique opportunity to see how the legal concepts you learn apply to real law skills.”
The Mock Trial team members called their advisor, Adjunct Professor Jane Siegel, “an incredible teacher, who shows you how to think on your feet.”
Joe Kinlaw, editor-in-chief of the law review, praised his colleagues for “excellence in the face of adversity” after they overcame serious challenges this year. “It was a challenging year, but one you can take great pride in.”
One by one, the student organizations were called up by Student Services Director Lisa Ferreira, to be applauded and photographed.
Ferreira said, “Thank you so much for what you do – you really breathe life into the law school and we are all proud and privileged to work with you.”
After the ceremony, the student leaders were treated to a reception on the 8th floor.