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TJSL Hosts 2011 NCLR

March 1, 2011

Every year the National Conference of Law Reviews (NCLR) brings together the management of student run law journals from law schools across the country. NCLR is a great opportunity for editors from different journals to exchange ideas and learn how to more effectively run a student publication.

A different law school hosts NLCR each year, and Thomas Jefferson School of Law is honored to host the Conference in 2011. The 2011 NCLR will be held March 30 – April 2.

Attendees may stay at the Hard Rock hotel in Downtown San Diego, where part of the Conference is scheduled. The remainder of the Conference will take place at Thomas Jefferson’s brand new state of the art campus (which opened in January of 2011), located about five city blocks from the Hard Rock Hotel.


Conference tickets are $375.00 each for exhibitors and attendees.  

Hotel Accommodations

Conference attendees may stay at the Hard Rock Hotel in downtown San Diego. To receive the discounted room rate call 866.751.ROCK (7625) and inform the operator that you are attending the National Conference of Law Reviews, 2011. If you prefer to book accommodations online and still receive the discounted rate, visit:

The rate for rooms booked is $199.00 per night. This rate is subject to additional taxes and hotel fees. Upgraded rooms are available upon request. Please mention National Conference of Law Reviews to receive the special rate.

Floor plans can be found at

Conference Speakers

Paul Goldman, Manager of Business Operations for Texas Legal Publications Jack Ford, CBS News Legal Analyst (tentative).

Dean Erwin Chemerinsky of UC Irvine Law School is a confirmed speaker for the Scribes Awards dinner (Thursday night).

Please see the schedule for more information.

Panel Presentations

Many of the panel presentations at the 2011 conference will be similar to the panels at past conferences; however, the Thomas Jefferson Law Review considered several new ideas in response to feedback received from attendees at the 2010 Conference. Below is a list of the panel topics currently be planned.

Panel Topics

  1. Keeping Law Reviews Relevant
  2. Advanced Bluebook Information
  3. Administration & Faculty Relations
  4. Author v. Board, Board v. Author
  5. Why Use ALWD for Your Law Review?
  6. Selling Your Law Review Membership to Prospective Employers
  7. Article Selection and Solicitation
  8. Effective Write-on Competitions
  9. Making Your Journal Go “Green”
  10. Special Concerns for Specialty Journals
  11. Relations Between Multiple Journals Within a Law School
  12. Note Writing Schedule – Semester v. Year
  13. Bidding & Hosting NCLR
  14. Tips for Executive Editors
  15. Tips for Research Editors Tips for Managing Editors
  16. Tips for Editors in Chief
  17. How to Write Effective Staff Manuals
  18. Plagiarism: How to Avoid it


Please note that all ads for the 2011 NCLR program must be submitted as a PDF document to no later than March 4, 2011. See the Sponsor / Exhibitor Information and the Sponsor Levels for more information. Click here to purchase a sponsorship online.

Friday Excursions

Part of the day on Friday is reserved for excursions that will allow attendees to explore and enjoy San Diego. Attendees can choose from three different options:

1. The San Diego Zoo 2. Sea World 3. A trip to the Coronado beach to surf, kayak, or simply enjoy the sun.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read the 2011 NCLR frequently asked questions and answers.

More Information

More information about the 2011 Conference will be posted on this webpage as it becomes available.

For any other information, email: or call 1.858.866.4051.

TJSL Law Review Website

Go to the TJSL Law Review website.

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