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TJSL 5th in Nation in Externship Opportunities

November 1, 2011


Thomas Jefferson School of Law has been ranked in the top 5 for externship opportunities by National Jurist Magazine.

TJSL’s 5th-place ranking is based on the ratio of externships the school has placed and the number of full-time students. For total enrollment based on full-time and part-time students, TJSL is 15th in the nation.

TJSL has a thriving externship program that gives students a wide variety of externships to choose from, including the court system, private law firms, public service law, government legal offices such as the district attorney or public defender and many more – including international externships such as the international courts at The Hague, Netherlands.

“It is our mission to provide TJSL students with a large and diverse number of externships opportunities,” said Professor Judybeth Tropp who is in charge of the externship program.  “This allows the TJSL student a chance to have hands on learning experiences throughout the city, county, state, country and the world.  Our program encourages TJSL students to build as many lawyering and professional skills as possible while they are here and to take those skills into the marketplace upon their graduation.”

To view the National Jurist Article, follow this link:

For more on TJSL’s externship program go to: