Student Organization Fair Rocks the House
September 1, 2011
Judging by the Student Organization Fair held on Thursday, September 1, this is going to be a fantastic year for the student groups who were signing up new members.
The place was packed!
The suite TJSL’s more than 30 organizations occupy on the fifth floor was full of students checking them out and the positive energy in the room was crackling.
“It’s encouraging,” said Thomas Anderson, the president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice as he looked at LSRJ’s rapidly filling sign-up sheet. “It’s the start of a great year.”
Nicole Heffel, president of the newly-formed Jefferson Chapter of Student Veterans of America, said she was feeling “overwhelmed in a joyous way” over the interest in the SVA organization at TJSL.
“What can I say? I’m so proud,” Heffel told us. “And the support for SVA is coming from all directions.”
“There is a lot of interest,” said Amber Nevada, the president of the TJSL Chapter of La Raza. “People are really excited about joining this organization.”
TJSL’s Outdoors Club booth, manned by Kenley Dygert and Anthony Nguyen, had lots of new sign-ups.
“We’re doing pretty well,” said Nguyen. Their club’s motto: Keep TJSL Real.
It seemed every organization was doing well attracting interest and new members.
For example, the names of new recruits for the Criminal Justice Society filled up two pages and was already filling up a third page before the event was half-an-hour old.
“I feel really great so many people are interested in it,” said 3L Gabbie Neapolitan of the CLS.
“I think it’s wonderful,” added 1L Anatasia Korte. “Hopefully this will bring more interest to our panels.”
One of the newer kids on the block is the Maritime Law Society, which was attracting new members.
“I’m excited to get some 1L’s involved to keep the organization going,” said 3L, Mike Grady, one of the chapter organizers.’
“We started a chapter of the national organization student Animal Legal Defense Fund at TJSL last year. Today was a great way to get the word out. Many students are interested in our club and all of the fun networking events we have planned for this year,” said 3L Elisabeth Donovan.
SBA president Marty Stratte looked at the packed and spirited room and said: “It’s a great opportunity to see so many TJSL students meet one another and talk about their common interests.”