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Student Bar Association Annual Election

March 7, 2011

STUDENT GOVERNMENT AT ITS BEST:  THE STUDENT BAR ASSOCIATION ANNUAL ELECTION: Monday, March 28, 2011 7:00 a.m. – Friday, April 1, 2011 7:00 p.m. on the SBA TWEN Page under “Polling.”  The “Election Rules of Conduct & Procedure” are posted on the SBA website at:  SBA Officers officially take office June 15, but the transition period will occur from April 1, 2011 – June 15, 2011.

Intent to Run & 250 words or less statement DEADLINE: Friday, March 18, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. No exceptions.

To Submit the Required Forms or for Election Questions and Concerns: Please email, Kevin Bergt, Student Bar Association Judicial Director at:, and Jeremy Evans, Student Bar Association, President at:  Forms may also be dropped off at the Student Bar Association Office (5th floor, room 518, inside the Student Organization Space).  If you decide to drop off the forms, please slip the forms under the door and send an email to the above two individuals to confirm that you have dropped off such forms.

The Positions up for election are:

Executive Board: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, & Secretary
Executive & Advisory Committee: Academics Director, Alumni Relations Director, Athletic Events Director, Community Events Director, Parliamentarian, Public Relations Director, & Social Events Director
Bar Association Student Representatives: American Bar Association Representative (ABA), North County Bar Association Representative (NCBA), & San Diego County Bar Association Representative (SDCBA)
Chairs: Fundraising Chair, Graduation Chair, & Information Technology Chair
Class Representatives: 3L Class Representative (1) & 2L Class Representatives (4).

Note: 1L Class Representatives are elected every fall with the incoming class serving for the full academic year (fall and spring semesters), as is the Spring 1L Class Representative every spring with the incoming class for one semester (spring semester).  Current 1L Class Representatives and the Spring 1L Class Representatives fulfill their positions and have the option of running in the current election, a possible appointment after the election, or not continuing with the Student Bar Association.

Appointed Positions by the incoming Executive Board after the Election: Alumni Relations Committee, Athletic Events Assistant, Community Events Committee, Social Events Assistant, SBA Events Writer, and possibly others.

The current sitting officers for these positions are listed here:

Please connect with these officers for a meeting to discuss the position and upcoming election. THIS is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and a must if you want a to know what is REQUIRED and EXPECTED of you.  At the following link you will find the duties expected of you for each position under the Student Bar Association Constitution and By-Laws:

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