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SBA Ethics Panel Recap, February 16, 2011

February 19, 2011

SBA Ethics Panel, February 16, 2011

Ethics Panel Recap – Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Written by Chris Saunders
Posted By Pejman Kharrazian, 3L, Student Bar Association, SD County Bar Association SBA Rep


San Diego Superior Court Judge Robert Trentacosta cautioned those who attended the Student Bar Association’s Second Annual Ethics Panel held at Thomas Jefferson School of Law on February 16. “The most important thing you have when you stand before a judge is your credibility.”

The first conference held at the new TJSL campus, and sponsored by the SBA, was a lively and stimulating discussion, moderated by Professor Leah Christensen.  In addition to Judge Trentacosta, California Court of Appeal Associate Justice Gilbert Nares joined the panel, along with criminal appellate attorney Charles Sevilla and TJSL Professor Claire Wright.

The panelists also focused on the need for ethical advise once you enter practice.  If a lawyer finds his or herself in a situation where they aren’t sure if a course of action is ethical or not, then they should take a step back and pick up the phone.  A mentor is key to success in the complicated practice of law.

The San Diego County Bar Association also has an ethics hotline, said Judge Trentacosta. “And the County Bar has an Attorney Code of Conduct. It’s simple, it’s unequivocal and it’s like the Ten Commandments for attorneys,” he said.

The ethics conference was well-attended and many students said they felt the discussion provided very valuable information.