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SBA Elections

March 15, 2015

The Student Bar Association (SBA) is holding elections soon and is hoping for a great group of people to run for positions. You might be interested but might not know exactly what being on SBA entails.

SBA is the student government for TJSL. SBA communicates with other law schools throughout the state and even country to discuss school policies and practices. We are active members of the American Bar Association (ABA), Student Division and send an ABA representative and the SBA President to the annual conference every year in August. We also have representatives for our local bar associations such as North County Bar Association (NCBA) and San Diego Bar Association (SDBA).

SBA is run almost entirely by students who want to see TJSL succeed. We do this by providing activities for students as well as advocating on students’ behalf.

There is of course Barrister’s Ball, the Halloween Party, the Back to School Bash, and Bar Reviews, but SBA does so much more than throw parties. When a student has a complaint or concern, they can approach their SBA representative, whether that is a 1L, 2L, or 3L class representative and that representative is responsible for bringing the concerns either to SBA or directly to the administration. When scheduling conflicts arise with professors or when students have concerns about access to bar prep courses, SBA is the group that seeks a resolution with the administration.

Though this is no easy task and red tape often runs thick, SBA members are constantly working to make TJSL a comfortable place that encourages the success and dedication of its students.

Elections are held in April every year and as they quickly approach, I encourage you to consider running for a position. The positions are as follows:

Executive Board:
Vice President



Executive Committee:
Public Relations Director

Academics Director

Alumni Relations Director

Athletic Events Directors

Community Events Director

Social Events Director


Bar Association Representatives:

American Bar Association

North County Bar Association
San Diego County Bar Association

Chairs and Committees:

Alumni Relations Committee

Social Events Committee

Fundraising Chair

Class Representatives:
3L Class Representatives

2L Class Representatives

1L Class Representatives (Determined at beginning of year)

If you are interested in a position, please go to sba and review the bylaws and constitution and consider putting in an application! An email will go out in a few weeks, so keep your eyes open for this opportunity.
If you have any questions, feel free to email