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Register for TJSL’s 19th Annual Women and the Law Conference

December 6, 2018

Thomas Jefferson School of Law’s 19th Annual Women and the Law Conference, The Way Forward: Gender, LGBTQIA Rights, and Religious Liberties, will be held from 12:30 – 5:00 pm on Friday, February 1, 2019 at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, 701 B Street San Diego, 92101. Registration is now open:

This conference brings together leading experts and practitioners to discuss critical federal and state legislative, executive, and judicial developments affecting women, the LGBTQIA community, and people concerned about religious liberties.  At a time when public discourse about these issues seems irreconcilably polarized, this event will focus on means to resolve these opposing views. 

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Commissioner Chai Feldblum will deliver the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lecture. Before her appointment, Commissioner Feldblum was a law professor at Georgetown University Law Center.  Commissioner Feldblum continues in a long line of illustrious speakers who have been honored as the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lecturer, a lecture series Justice Ginsburg generously established for Thomas Jefferson School of Law in 2003.

Other speakers include:  Alan Brownstein, Emeritus Professor of Law at UC Davis School of Law; Julie Greenberg, Emeritus Professor of Law at Thomas Jefferson School of Law; Pamuela Halliwell, therapist at the San Diego LGBT Community Center; Shannon Minter, Legal Director at the National Center for Lesbian Rights; Jocelyn Samuels, Executive Director at the Williams Center UCLA School of Law; Maimon Schwarzchild, Law Professor at the University of San Diego School of Law; and Mattheus Stephens, Founding Partner of the Progressive Law Group.

3.75 MCLE Credit Hours are available for this event. The conference is dedicated to the memory of Professor Marybeth Herald. At the end of the formal program, the Marybeth Herald Lecture Hall will be dedicated.  A reception will follow. Further information about the conference, including sponsorship and advertising opportunities and opportunities to donate to the conference are available here: