Professor Cohn Speaks to Downtown Rally
December 19, 2011
Thomas Jefferson School of Law Professor Marjorie Cohn participated in a Downtown San Diego demonstration and rally on Saturday, December 17, calling for the U.S. military to release former US Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning, who is charged with leaking military secrets to the “Wikileaks” website. If convicted, Manning could face life in prison.
Professor Cohn was one of the speakers as the rally in support of Manning reached Civic Center Plaza. She told the crowd, “By exposing some of the worst atrocities committed by the U.S. Forces in Iraq, the documents prevented the Iraqi Government from agreeing to give our soldiers immunity, which is what Obama wanted, to continue the war rather than end the war, and therefore… If Bradley Manning is guilty of what he is accused of, he is also guilty of helping to end the Iraq War. If Bradley Manning had committed war crimes, not exposed them, he would be a free man today.”
A hearing that will determine whether Manning will face a court martial was being held starting on December 16.
Professor Cohn’s speech can be viewed on YouTube.