New Additions Brighten TJSL’s Walls
March 28, 2013
“I am pleased to announce that two installations have occurred on the first floor,” said Dean Rudy Hasl on March 28 when telling the faculty and staff about the new art and a plaque that now hangs on the walls of Thomas Jefferson School of Law.
“The first is in the lobby area and consists of the LEED Gold plaque, affirming our having satisfied the requirements for the certification,” said Dean Hasl. “The second is in the admissions / alumni relations / development area, behind the reception desk. This is a collage prepared by Joanne Williams, who created the triptych on the first floor in the café area.”
According to the artist Joanne Williams, “the words included in the piece were composed by Dean Hasl and members of the faculty to represent the TJSL experience.
“It’s not only beautiful, it’s also very relevant,” said Dean Hasl when describing the new art.
A donor plaque is being prepared, indicating the donors of the gifts that supported the acquisition of the artwork. “I encourage all staff and faculty to take a look at the installations,” said Dean Hasl.