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A shorter black female with her hair down wearing a striped shirt posed smiling next to a taller black man in a grey suit with a bow tie standing in front of a bookshelf.

Janet D. Steiger Fellowship Recipient – Merredith M. Delinois

October 18, 2023

Merridith M. Delinois (3L) was the recipient of a Janet D. Steiger Fellowship for the Summer of 2023.  This provided her with the opportunity to work in the office of the Nevada Attorney General, under the direction of Aaron Ford, in the Bureau of Consumer Protection.  The eight-week paid Fellowships were initiated in 2004 by the ABA Section of Antitrust Law, in cooperation with the National Association of Attorneys General (“NAAG”), as a consumer protection outreach initiative to introduce law students to the rewards of legal careers in public service.  Congratulations, Merridith!

The full list of recipients and more about the program can be found here.

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