Annual Alumni Tailgate Party
April 29, 2014
It was a great day to be at the ball park on Saturday, April 12 for the Annual Alumni Tailgate party!
More than 200 TJSL faculty, staff, students and alums mixed and mingled while eating hotdogs, nachos, and enjoying select ice cold beverages. Some tailgaters’ even took advantage of the opportunity to hang out with Dean Thomas Guernsey in the fun, casual environment.
On the day of the tailgate party TJSL Padres Committee Chair, Sabrina Green ‘02, along with Alumni helpers, once again brought everything together, including drinks, food and bags of peanuts and M&M’s for the game.
TJSL Alumni Board member Michael Weiner ’09, once again, fired up the grill.
“Ha ha! It cracks me up that Michael Weiner is BBQ-ing the wieners,” said Michael Jonas ‘09.
“As if I haven’t been hearing that all day.” Weiner said. “I love doing this. I look forward to BBQ-ing every year. It’s a good time!”
Members of the TJSL Admissions Team, Director Tim Spearman, Assistant Director Justin Cruz and Associate Director Michelle Allison Slaughter introduced newly Admitted TJSL students to current students and alums.
“It was so great to see alums, current students, faculty and staff members gather together for such an enjoyable event,” said Stephanie Marquez, Director of Alumni Relations. “It’s an awesome way to get alumni connected with current students, many seem to use this opportunity to have a great time while also networking with others in the TJSL community.”
The next alumni event will be the 19th Annual Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament held on October 10, 2014 at Salt Creek Golf Club in Chula Vista. This years golf tournament will be a part of the Inaugural Alumni Weekend on October 10 – 11, 2015. The Alumni Weekend will include an MCLE Seminar, TJSL Tours, and Alumni Awards Reception – more details to follow.