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Maureen E. Markey

Maureen E. Markey

Emeritus Faculty

J.D., University of San Diego, cum laude;

B.A., Bowling Green State University

Prior to joining the TJSL faculty in 1990, Professor Markey was a partner at Mulvaney, Kahan & Barry in San Diego where she specialized in business litigation. While in law school, she was the Executive or of the San Diego Law Review. After law school, Professor Markey served as a judicial clerk to the Honorable Francis C. Whelan, United States District Court, Central District of California, and taught at the University of San Diego School of Law.

Professor Markey is actively involved in the community, serving as an officer and a board member of several community organizations. She has published in the areas of property, law and literature, and law and religion.

Courses include:

Property, Law and Literature Seminar, Jurisprudence Seminar.

Articles, Book Chapters, And Article-Length Works

Natural Law, Positive Law, and Conflicting Social Norms in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, 32 N.C. Cent. School L. Rev. 162 (2010)   Download a PDF of the article.

Ariadne's Thread: Leading Students Into and Out of the Labyrinth of The Rule Against Perpetuities, 54 Clev. St. L. Rev. 337 (2006)

Charles Dickens’ Bleak House: Mr. Tulkinghorn as a Successful Literary Lawyer, 14 St. Thomas L. Rev. 689 (2002)

The Landlord/Tenant Free Exercise Conflict in a Post-RFRA World, 29 Rutgers L.J. 487 (1998)

The Price of Landlord's "Free" Exercise of Religion: Tenant's Right to Discrimination-Free Housing and Privacy, 22 Fordham Urb. L.J. 699 (1995)

The Thomas Jefferson School of Law faculty is highly prolific in the field of legal scholarship and our professors are in demand as speakers and panelists at legal events in the U.S. and abroad.