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Prof. Nicole D'Ambrogi Teaches Wills & Trusts and Supervises the Veteran's Clinic

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Clinics, Internships & Externships: Experiential Learning Opportunities

To understand the theory of law, practice it. In addition to our Career Services Office, which assists students in finding internships, the law school offers live client clinics & externships, opportunities to work off campus while earning law school credit. Through these programs, principles learned in the classroom come alive as students provide legal services to the San Diego community.

The Veterans’ Legal Assistance Clinic

The Veterans Legal Assistance Clinic enables students to earn credit toward graduation by assisting military veterans with a variety of legal needs including family law, government benefits, and estate planning. 

Learn More About The Veterans’ Legal Assistance Clinic  >

The Small Business Law Center

The Small Business Law Center supports community economic development in San Diego County by assisting entrepreneurs, artists, inventors, small businesses, and non-profit organizations. The Non-Profit & Small Business Law Clinic assists clients with business formation and contracting needs and The Patent Clinic & The Trademark Clinic help clients to obtain patents and trademarks from the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Both clinics enable students to gain practical experience while earning units toward graduation.

Learn More About The Small Business Law Center  >

The Small Claims Self-Help Legal Clinic

The Small Claims Self-Help Clinic provides free limited legal assistance for low to moderate income individuals and businesses with small claim issues. TJSL students consult with individuals and small businesses engaged in disputes involving potential damages less than $10,000, including landlord/tenant, consumer law, personal injury, and breach of contract claims. This is a not-for-credit volunteer clinic providing students with valuable experience interviewing and consulting with clients while providing a valuable service to the community. .

Learn More About The Small Claims Self-Help Legal Clinic  >

The Externship Program

Thomas Jefferson School of Law’s Externship program provides students with hands-on legal experience working at government agencies, courts, and private law offices while earning academic credit through a class-room experience. Placement opportunities have included the United States Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender, and City Attorney, as well as law firms of all sizes as well as nonprofits and issue-focused organizations.

Learn More About The Externship Program  >

The Pro Bono Honors Program

The Pro Bono Honors Program encourages community-based volunteer legal services projects working with underserved populations both in traditional and non-traditional legal settings.

Learn More About The Pro Bono Honors Program  >

Hear What Our Students & Alumni Have To Say

“The Patent Program at Thomas Jefferson School of Law provided me with invaluable experience working with clients, drafting patent applications, and handling filings on EFS Web. This experience set me apart from other young professionals in the field of Intellectual Property law and allowed me to hit the ground running at my first job without having to go through the typical learning curve that most new hires face.”

Hollie Kucera,
Student in the Patent Clinic,
Electrical Engineer